Valenti Pharmacy i Rockville Centre

Forenede StaterValenti Pharmacy



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70, North Village Avenue, 11570, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-705-8282
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Latitude: 40.6590865, Longitude: -73.6481815

kommentar 2

  • en

    Denise Cohen


    So grateful to Anthony of Valenti Pharmacy! He is so kind, knowledgeable, and helpful, and even opened the pharmacy when it was closed in order to help me. Thank you for the amazing service! Rockville Centre is lucky to have such a great local pharmacy.

  • Alison D. Gilbert

    Alison D. Gilbert


    At first I thought, why another pharmacy? Then I went in to introduce myself to proprietor, Anthony Valenti, RPh and to take a look around. What a pleasant surprise. Not only were there the usual suspects. But his place was filled with signs of alternative healing, natural remedies that I thrive on like essential oils. You must visit to see his inventory and let him know what you like. If you don't see it and he can get it, he will order it. When you visit Valenti Pharmacy, let him know 'The Maven' sent you.

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