V Boutique Hotel i Corpus Christi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterV Boutique Hotel


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701, North Water Street, 78401, Corpus Christi, Nueces County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 361-883-9200
internet side: www.vhotelcc.com
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Latitude: 27.79801, Longitude: -97.393016

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chris Long


    The Vietnam Resteraunt is top notch!!! Get a top shelf margarita from Tim. Their calamari is the best I've ever had, ribs are spectacular, half roasted chicken is awesome, there is not a bad dish in this place and I've been eating there for years!!!!!

  • Thomas R

    Thomas R


    Awesome experience. There are only 8 rooms in this hotel, so there is minimal noise and interruptions from other guests. The rooms reminded me much more of an actual bedroom/bathroom at a mansion instead of cookie-cutter rooms at the big chain hotels. Make sure you take in a meal at the elegant Vietnamese restaurant downstairs. Excellent food.

  • en

    Dylan Aucoin


    The hotel and staff are very nice, however, if you are used to staying in a hotel this is not the same experience. This "hotel" is more of a renovated apartment building. The rooms are nice but there are only about 8 rooms and they are all located on the 2nd floor above a restaurant. The rooms were clean and taken care of, but it felt odd when expecting a hotel stay.

  • Robert Newton

    Robert Newton


    Small hotel in an excellent location, with free parking, a friendly staff, and maybe the most comfortable bed I've slept on in years. Fantastic stay!

  • Cassandra Williams

    Cassandra Williams


    Very nice boutique hotel. Small but homey. I liked that it was pet friendly!! So the whole family was able to be there. Room was very clean and neat. All normal amenities were there. We arrived very late at night so the parking was a little weird due to it being above a restaurant. But safe nonetheless. Great overall stay. A little above what I would usually want to pay, but since it was pet friendly, it was worth it.

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