USPS (Cannon Pharmacy) i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterUSPS (Cannon Pharmacy)



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2334, South Boulevard, 28203, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-523-8607
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2048295, Longitude: -80.8636032

kommentar 5

  • Cari Olivia

    Cari Olivia


    We always hated going to the post office ~ long slow lines and many times, rude postal workers. Then several years ago we discovered the post office branch inside Cannon Pharmacy. We actually look forward to going there. All the workers are Super Friendly and Very Helpful. We love them and cannot say enough good things about them and this branch. Another plus is the fact it’s located inside a small wonderful pharmacy!! John and Cari Kaiser 😊❤️

  • Whitney S

    Whitney S


    I have to say the people that work this usps desk are really great. I go all the time and 50% of the time I screw something up but they are always so helpful! They help me pack my boxes and label them, have gotten me an old box from the back before, will print a label… it’s just actual customer service in an industry that’s known for having perhaps the worst customer service experience. Thank you to all the usps employees at cannon! You’re the best!!!!

  • Alyssa, waywardblog

    Alyssa, waywardblog


    Is it weird that I actually look forward to going to the post office? Before I started using the PO, I never did - but the service is always friendly and efficient (I'm almost afraid to write this review in case it gets busier!).

  • Olivia A

    Olivia A


    There is a reason this postal service has so many good reviews! It's great! First of all they're open till 7:00 p.m. on weekdays. Also the staff are so helpful and friendly! They currently require masks. And customers are spaced. There's also a pharmacy attached Not sure about hours but all the staff there seemed friendly as well

  • Louisa Sloan

    Louisa Sloan


    Went to this post office today after trying two others in my search for a cute stamp for our save the dates. The gentlemen working couldn’t have been nicer and were very helpful! They even greated another customer by name. I so appreciated my experience with them today!

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