Urban Eats en Houston

Estados UnidosUrban Eats



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3414, Washington Avenue, 77007, Houston, Harris County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 832-834-4417
sitio web: www.feasturbaneats.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 29.7695664, Longitude: -95.3947899

comentarios 5

  • Dale Mather

    Dale Mather


    This is an amazing hidden gem in Houston. The food is categorized as traditional American but it has a wonderful upscale twist to it. They also serve cocktails which were delicious. The restaurant is on an upper floor while the lower floor holds a small upscale market & bakery. The bakery has a variety of things that you can get from delicious cake balls to delicate French macaroons to an amazing, traditional bread pudding. The staff was delightful and wonderful to talk to. They even offered suggestions and their own favorites off the menu to try. If you're in Houston you really shouldn't miss this delightful restaurant and market bakery.

  • Erik Farrar

    Erik Farrar


    Excellent, as always. My girlfriend and I have been here several times and ordered for delivery several times more. Salads are huge and satisfying and pretty much everything else we've tried is executed perfectly. See you again soon, for sure.

  • en

    Rico Sustaita


    I loved it... the food is good... the guy that helped us out is jared... he is very nice and helpful... it was my first time here so i was a little lost on how to get the food and stuff but he was great... me and a friend had our breakfast out on the patio... lots of shade... i will be coming back i am very pleased

  • Sarah Martin

    Sarah Martin


    I come for brunch here very often. The food is amazing! An interesting menu but everything is good. My favorite is the “picnic” or the “BLT”. They have awesome mimosas. Choose to sit out on the balcony or inside. Cute coffee bar/cafe in the bottom with local art for sale.

  • Matthew Crace

    Matthew Crace


    This place is great! The food was amazing and they have a great atmosphere. Pretty good beer selection too. I would recommend getting there early or park down the street and walk.

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