Urban Butcher w Silver Spring

Stany ZjednoczoneUrban Butcher



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8226, Georgia Avenue, 20910, Silver Spring, Montgomery County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-585-5800
strona internetowej: urbanbutcher.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9924177, Longitude: -77.026918

komentarze 5

  • en

    L Wallace


    I came here for their endless brunch offering and loved (almost) everything. I didn’t care for the french toast. The service was wonderful. I’m surprised to read other reviewers state no one checked on them, we had two people come by to ask how our food/service was. There isn’t any parking, but with the rain i lucked up and found a spot on the street. On a nice day, I dont think I would have been as lucky. This is the ONLY thing that would keep me from returning to try their dinner.

  • en

    Diana Avellaneda


    Please do not go there!!!!!very expensive for the food they serve. You can find better food, in a fancy restaurant for the same price. But no only the food is bad, the service is the worse. The manager Jorge is very rude. They are not children friendly..... DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY....

  • en

    Watson Cloud


    Very underwhelming experience. First, for the price of the steak, it's just not up to par. It seems over-seasoned and honestly not any better than a middle of the road steakhouse (though I paid $46 for a steak with no sides). I ate with a friend who had the burger and the burger was ground brisket, which sounds great but doesn't taste all that great- again seemed over seasoned. Man, let the quality meat speak for itself! Other issues- the service was not rude but was not attentive at all. I'm sorry, but when I pay $110 for steak, a burger, a $10 appetizer, ONE side, and one non-alcoholic drink, I expect GREAT service. I expect you to ask how everything was. If you had, I would have given you feedback instead of writing this review. A few people walked by the table but nobody asked how the food was. Waiter came by ONCE during the entire meal. It comes across that you just don't care when you don't bother to ask how a $110 meal was. It's interesting to me that there are no comments from the business on these reviews either- again, comes across like you don't care or aren't listening. At some point, that catches up with you. I hope somebody will even read this. Third point- it was deafening loud inside- and this was a Sunday evening. Like crazy loud. Not enjoyable at all for conversation.

  • en

    Ashley Hudson


    Great Brunch Spot! Went with my girlfriends this past Sunday and enjoyed the endless brunch menu and it truly was endless. Everything tasted yummy. Loved the empanadas and curated meat plates. My glass was never empty the margarita could have used a bit more tequila though. Service was very attentative! Looking forward to going again when the weather is warmer.

  • Peter Stepanek

    Peter Stepanek


    Wow wow wow you like quality fresh steaks and cured ham this is it! Hands down the best Local steak house cozy great staff fresh cuts of meat and sausages charcuterie and drinks are awesome. What makes the place special is the personal touch of the Chef owner Reynold that’s always around to great you. When it’s nice out they open the garage door wall entire side of the restaurant got fresh breeze 🙌🙌🙌 definitely my top 5! Place to dine.

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