Uno Cleaning Omaha w Omaha

Stany ZjednoczoneUno Cleaning Omaha



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Omaha, NE, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 402-810-6322
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.218756551706, Longitude: -95.945094695707

komentarze 5

  • Akanksha Bode

    Akanksha Bode


    Absolutely awful service! Showed up 40 minutes late, unprepared, the guy left in the middle of his scheduled cleaning time to go pick up his girlfriend and then finished much later than we were told. We had hired them to clean our house before we moved into it. During the final walk through it was pointed out to Nick what else he needed to clean after he had been at the house for 8 hours. Now we’re still finding appliances that were not even touched and we’re out $310. We will not be using Uno again.

  • en

    jordan morford


    Despite good reviews.. Bare with me for the long story. I called and spoke to Geiver Monzon about coming in my office to give us a quote on services. He was very polite on the phone. He told me to email him so we could work out a time, and so I could specify what services were needed. I emailed him and there was no response. He and a woman showed up to my office unannounced and unplanned, a few days later. Luckily, I was available to walk them around the office and talk to them. He then told me to give him just five minutes, so he could write up a quote for me on the spot. I stepped out for no more than 5 minutes, and returned to my desk, but they were gone. A coworker informed me that he and the woman just left, without saying anything. He never left me the quote or left me a note. Days later, I still haven't even received a call or email. So they have yet to respond to my email, came in unannounced and never even left me the quote they came in for. A waste of time and not helpful.

  • en

    Dena Gillis


    Great price and friendly staff. They do a wonderful job each week cleaning our offices.

  • en

    Imelda Carreon


    I called again to Uno because i like their excellent job. i needed that they clean my bathroom and the yard. thanks Uno I'm very satisfied for their job.

  • en

    Raleigh Barrett


    Punctual, kind, considerate, efficient, and thorough. Their first pass was highly detailed. If a spot was missed, they were happy to correct it immediately, no matter how meticulous I was. A 700 sq ft 1 bdrm under 4 hours at a great price. I recommend them and will likely call them for services in the future.

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