University Inn Tucson i Tucson

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterUniversity Inn Tucson



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950, North Stone Avenue, 85705, Tucson, Pima County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 520-791-7503
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.2338368, Longitude: -110.9713613

kommentar 5

  • Krysten Davis

    Krysten Davis


    Our room was spotless, stylish, large and comfortable. Much better than I expected when booking at the last minute! I would happily stay here again on future trips to Tucson.

  • en

    Trinity Higgs


    The place was very cute inside and out. Very funky vibe, and nicely priced. The room did get hot at night and we made the mistake of not turning on the cooling unit in the room. The water plumbing in the downstairs room is incredibly loud and woke me up several times throughout the night. The sink in our room didn't drain well so my face wash ended up coating the whole thing. It had a small fridge and a microwave, and even electric car charging out front which was really cool. It was a good stay and we'd come back.

  • en

    Ruth Rutherford


    Clean room, nice staff. Small continental breakfast goes quick. Good value.

  • Jeff Swanitz

    Jeff Swanitz


    Rough location for the price. WiFi is decent. Bums in the park across the street. Lipstick on a 1960's pig. Only thing I could find on short notice. Decent soap. Man at front desk was friendly enough, though hard to understand his accent. Won't be back. $150/night for this? Should be $40

  • Steve Martins

    Steve Martins


    The University Inn is close to the University, downtown, and just about any amenity one could need. Great shops and eateries are plentiful. There has been a recent renovation; it made a good value hotel into a great value. No carpeting! The beds are comfortable, rooms are clean, and there is a very basic continental breakfast on offer. Being so central means the neighborhood enjoys quite a mix of demographics. There is a park across the street which at night is home to less fortunate people. I felt safe, however. I enjoyed my stay and would recommend the inn to friends.

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