Universal Dental Associates w Elmont

Stany ZjednoczoneUniversal Dental Associates



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1561, Hempstead Turnpike, 11003, Elmont, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-775-1212
strona internetowej: www.universaldentalassociates.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7069658, Longitude: -73.698469

komentarze 5

  • en

    Emergency Roadservice


    Dr. Gerber is one of the finest there is, I travel from my new home 100 miles away to have my teeth cared for. To the morons, idiots, snowflakes and grown children, anyone with professional training unlike yourselves is rude, hateful and you state stay away, lmao, go to school, stop showing hatred, this is why your marriages last under one year and your self disciplined parents threw you out. Get a life if you dont like your country, you came here, you hate this country, so get out. By the way, professionals can admire some rudeness for reasons unknown to you imbeciles. I'm appalled you grown babies have the audacity to publicly post your nonsense grievance. Hey Dr Gerber, I'll be by for the humor, jokes, laughs.

  • en

    Shandy D


    Wow they front desk they are very rude.. I cancel service with them overall ..

  • TabbyBoyy



    Front desk receptionist has to be the rudest person I have talked to. I called because of a dental emergency which was there fault and received an attitude right from the beginning. She refused to help me until Monday, I could tell she was eager to go home even though it was an hour and a half before closing time and she couldn't care less that I was in pain. I told her I couldn't last until Monday because the pain was so unbearable and I wasn't able to eat or sleep. Instead she continued to be rude and hung up on me moments later. I have gone there only twice and the second time because they damaged my teeth the first time. Also on my second appointment my teeth were damaged even more causing my dental emergency. Please avoid this place at all cost these people DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR WELLBEING.

  • en

    Sarynna Diaz


    I will never go here again , the lady at the front desk RUDE ! I didn't even make it to see the dentist. First impression is everything. They should really work on their professionalism. I rather stay in pain then deal with someone like them.

  • Shekena Mitchell-thomas

    Shekena Mitchell-thomas


    I love this office. The front desk ladies are very professional and the dentist are sympathetic and very sweet. I went in having a lot of pain the my dentist was so gentle he even pat me on the back when I was crying. I felt so relaxed in his care. Thank you guys.

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