United States Postal Service i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterUnited States Postal Service


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3720, North Tryon Street, 28206, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 800-275-8777
internet side: tools.usps.com
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Latitude: 35.2539334, Longitude: -80.8011984

kommentar 5

  • Aly Glover

    Aly Glover


    Update: changed review from 1 to 4 stars. They have since updated the hours on the website. Thank you! They were listed as “open” online, but when I arrived, there was a small note written in pen that they are closed daily from 12-1 for lunch. I was in the parking lot for only 5 minutes and saw 4 other people walk in and immediately walk out. Please list this on your website if these are your hours.

  • Welcometobangkok



    I’ve had more than one package get lost there. And when I come back to ask about the package that got lost, Lisa gets an attitude acting like i said she straight up stole it when all i’m asking is if it may have not accidentally scanned. Would not recommend.

  • JSTAYFLY For Life

    JSTAYFLY For Life


    Lisa is the best!! She always pleasant and gets things done in a very timely manner.

  • Daniel Landith

    Daniel Landith


    would leave zero if i could. a week after my package was supposed to be delivered i called the tracking company to get an update. USPS chose not to deliver it a week beforehand bc “no secure location” but DID NOT LEAVE A NOTICE and was about to send it back bc i had no contacted them

  • Cassie Donsbach

    Cassie Donsbach


    Customer service sent me here after delivery AND a redelivery couldn't get my package to me. A guy with silver earrings here took an attitude with me right when I walked in and sent me to USPS at harris houston. Turns out that was wrong and it was actually at the other N tryon location. If he took 10 more seconds to think about my issue he would have saved me hours. I can not believe I've been sent to the wrong place 4 times in a row now. USPS is awful

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