United States Postal Service i Kansas City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterUnited States Postal Service



🕗 åbningstider

30, West Pershing Road, 64108, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 800-275-8777
internet side: tools.usps.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.0845636, Longitude: -94.5858465

kommentar 5

  • Ian b

    Ian b


    Workers were rude, people didn't seem to know where to go in the store. I didn't have a return address on three of my envelopes I mailed and instead of writing out my own address which takes 3 seconds (especially when it takes like 1 minute per envelope to process on their scale and to print the receipt) they made me get out of line to write my address which made me wait an extra 20 minutes. Only reason I gave them two star is open on Saturday when other post offices weren't

  • en

    Lisa Reiter


    Regularly loses my mail. Called to address this & was told theywould look into. No response after a week. Called back, the supervisor I spoke with shot down any notions I had to explain why my paychecks were regularly lost in the mail. Assured me she would look into it, again a week has gone by & no phone call.

  • Jo Rebmann

    Jo Rebmann


    They lost a package a month ago. I put in a lost package. It showed up a week later. If they had keyed in the tracking number it would have gotten here on time- the scan bar had gotten rubbed off. Now they have lost another package. Put in a lost package request, 5 days NO response! Now today I see another is likely "lost"!!! These orders are for my business and this is getting insane!

  • Andrew Leonard

    Andrew Leonard


    After living in the delivery zone for this location for 9 months, they've failed to deliver more packages than they've successfully delivered, when you call it's always someone else's fault somehow and when they give you the number for the other department, no one answers. Yet after you call to let them know they failed to deliver it for no discernable reason, it suddenly shows up the next day. They failed to deliver a package once because they said it didn't fit in the parcel locker, yet the NEXT DAY, behold, it magically was in there fitting fine. Not even an angles thing, it was a plain box inside a square locker. I called about another missing delivery that I only knew failed because of Amazon notifying me, the USPS didn't leave any notice, and did not attempt to deliver it the next day, and I got told to "call back if it wasn't delivered later" (it was not flagged for redelivery, apparently) and then told to call another department that maybe had it. And of course 25 minutes of trying to call with no answer, no machine, not even a "can you please hold" I have occasionally had issues with deliveries everywhere I've lived, everyone has. But this is far and away the worst I have ever had to deal with.

  • J Marts

    J Marts


    The absolute worst example of customer service that I've seen in a post office. Wish I could give a -100 stars. Rude is not the word.... so unprofessional & utterly worthless. Pretty sad when a manager won't talk to a customer about a problem and hides 3 feet away behind a door to talk to the incompentant cashier. I can only hope this sesspool of a government agency finally runs out of money someday. We can only wish its sooner rather than later. Avoid this place like the plague

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