United States Postal Service w Jersey City

Stany ZjednoczoneUnited States Postal Service



🕗 godziny otwarcia

137, Ocean Avenue, 07305, Jersey City, Hudson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 800-275-8777
strona internetowej: tools.usps.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6934198, Longitude: -74.0936496

komentarze 5

  • CIC Beauty TV (CiCi1989)

    CIC Beauty TV (CiCi1989)


    Came here today there was only one person ahead of me the clerk was very helpful to the customer.She also had great customer service skills very refreshing.I live in the next town over came here to see if the service would be better and it most definitely was I will for sure be back.I dropped off a bunch of prepaid and they were scanned right away no waiting for days like the other post offices I really appreciated that.Very small location but I do not mind it.One thing I wish they had a drop off box for prepaid but can’t have it all I would highly recommend going to this location I will be back and I hope my experience does not change

  • Sherry Bronsky

    Sherry Bronsky


    The employees work fast and are very friendly. I was in and out very quickly. And they asked me If I had everything I needed. Stamps envelopes. They were very helpful and courteous.

  • willie soto

    willie soto


    no stars for this place the laziest worst post office in the entire United States. This government office lacks leadership and dedication to duty!!!!! As a veteran of the US Marine Corps I can tell you by my professional observation that these government employees need remedial training! If I could give no stars I would! My packages always come up missing every time my orders go thru this agency. There is no over site here they do as they please. I wish the postal service would read some of these comments, as I can see the uncleanliness,unprofessional, and lack of duty continues without any action of those in charge of the post office. I would request that this facility be closed as it serves no purpose to the community!!!!!!!!

  • Kathryn Sturdevant

    Kathryn Sturdevant


    I have had so many problems with them being able to deliver our mail. And it's never sorted by who lives where in the three clearly labeled boxes. Lazy. They don't want to go around our completely open gate to deliver packages, instead saying they can't get around. Every time I make a complaint nothing gets resolved. If I could move, I would.

  • Sandy Mones

    Sandy Mones


    Why this Post office is looking so dirty and ugly !!! The one in downtown Jersey city and Bayonne don't look like this ! We deserve have a nice post office also !

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