United States Postal Service i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterUnited States Postal Service


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1233, The Plaza, 28205, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 800-275-8777
internet side: tools.usps.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.2196462, Longitude: -80.8111415

kommentar 5

  • Jason Ferguson

    Jason Ferguson


    Wow! I have never been in the post office for more than 10 mins. (In and out). I needed to get a P. O Box for the first time, and I was pleasantly surprised at the customer service I received from Kelly! She was very Polite, clear, and welcoming to me and my girlfriend. She treated us with a kind smile and helpful words. Her and her coworker Yvonne were working together in harmony despite it being a little busy. Yvonne took on all of the costumers that were in line while we were talking with Kelly. She was also very nice and efficient. I am actually looking forward to talking to them again soon when I come to check my mail. Thank you to the both of them for their service!

  • Madison Amelotte

    Madison Amelotte


    Yes the line can be long, but it’s the post office. I’ve been to this location twice and Kelly was the only one working both times. She is so kind, friendly, and helpful!!!!

  • sweetiegirl 10

    sweetiegirl 10


    It's a great USPS. It is a pleasure to deal with an employee who has a welcoming attitude. I will back here 😍❗️

  • Melissa King

    Melissa King


    Wonderful experience on a Saturday in December. 4 stars as only one woman was working the desk. She knew what she was doing though and had people moving through the line relatively fast. She also was very pleasant, even when I forgot the apartment number on one of my packages and needed to look it up on my phone. Prices are outrageous, but that is just the times, and would be similar at UPS/FedEX.

  • Jess Sledge

    Jess Sledge


    I am a very nervous person when I’m not sure what I am doing but the ladies here made me so comfortable! Not only did they go above and beyond to help me with my entire shipment but they were patient and kind when I almost covered the shipping barcode. To top the entire experience off a very sweet woman that was checking her mail gifted me with the items pictured! I will be back and with much less anxiety! Thank you for the outstanding service!

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