United Oil Co i Carson

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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22235, South Figueroa Street, 90745, Carson, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 310-782-8128
internet side: rocketstores.com
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Latitude: 33.824707, Longitude: -118.28652

kommentar 5

  • Angel Arreguin

    Angel Arreguin


    Love the way this station looks and the customer service from the guy doing graveyard. Open 24/7 and has restroom opened all day too

  • Steven Gonzales

    Steven Gonzales


    If you have to absolutely put cheap gas in your vehicle they have it here at a somewhat good price. Always 5-10 cheaper than competition. They have a really nice snack and drink selection and pretty much everything you can expect at at gas station. The car wash works fine if you in a hurry but I do recommend you dry your car after the fan is kind of weak to dry it. Other than that vacuum, free air, and overall a very clean gas station. Lets face it its a cheaper grade gas but what can you do if you absolutely need gas, this gas station definitely comes in clutch.

  • Shirlynn Manzano

    Shirlynn Manzano


    This place is crowded almost all the time, but you can't blame them as they have some of the lowest gas prices in the city. You have the option of paying for a car wash at the pump (and coming back another day for the wash, if the line is too long). I believe the code is good for at least a week, if not 30 days (I don't remember). The store is clean and well-lit. Since the store is bigger than most in Carson, they have a little more variety in products. I've found the associates to be helpful and courteous.

  • Davey Freeman

    Davey Freeman


    Gasbuddy says this is the cheapest gas in temhe area. It was very busy on a Saturday afternoon, but worth waiting a few minutes to save some money on gas. They take credit card, and you can enter and exit from both sides of the corner.

  • Reese King

    Reese King


    One of the coolest gas stations ever and the staff are super friendly.

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