Unite Fitness - Rittenhouse i Philadelphia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterUnite Fitness - Rittenhouse



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26, South 20th Street, 19103, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 267-534-3230
internet side: www.unitefitness.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.9524072, Longitude: -75.173558

kommentar 5

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    Love the instructors and the playlists!!! Definitely challenging... don't go if you're new to working out unless you know your limits

  • Hannah Min

    Hannah Min


    Guaranteed a solid, butt kicking workout!

  • en

    Abby Lestina


    I love the experience working out at unite fitness. You get a well rounded workout with cardio, strength training, and some yoga at the end. The instructors are great the other class participants are friendly. I think it is well worth the money.

  • Maxim Sverzhin-Babiner

    Maxim Sverzhin-Babiner


    Great instructors, nice modern gym and a good energy every time I take a class. This has become one of my favorite ways to work out.

  • Melanie Scuderi

    Melanie Scuderi


    Great workout and pretty fun. The customer service is great and they are really some of the coolest trainers I have come across out of the Center City gyms. You do a mixture of different workouts (cardio, then strength, and then yoga). Just overpriced. I recommend these classes if you really want to get toned overall and have the funds.

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