Unique Nail II w Hoboken

Stany ZjednoczoneUnique Nail II



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400, Newark Street, 07030, Hoboken, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-386-0800
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.737516, Longitude: -74.037109

komentarze 5

  • en

    Marlene Fuentes


    Love to get my nails done here. Everyone is friendly and Sarah does an excellent job.

  • Rochelle Kling

    Rochelle Kling


    Got an excellent manicure from Helen! Will definitely be going back on a regular basis. She listened to all of my requests and my nails came out perfect. What else can I ask for?

  • Susan D

    Susan D


    I've been going here for 2+ years - today I went at 7 ( unannounced they now close at 7 instead of 730 on Saturday's) I had been working all day and ran there as soon as I got home - I had a huge event the next day and as I got there someone who I didn't recognize sitting outside said theyre closed and swiftly went to the door and locked it. I was beyond shocked by this as I go here every week and give very generous tips. After this treatment though, I am hesitant to return ... there are many nail salons and loyalty is what keeps them in business

  • en

    Hazel Sharper


    First let me say that my nails came out nice. I got a fill in with gel polish, but when I originally walked into the nail salon my nails were coffin, and when I left they were square. My problem is that if I'm paying you for my services I expect you to do my nails how I ask them to be done. I kept asking the woman who was doing my nails over and over again to make the coffin shape narrower because they were too wide and looked square and she was not listening. After about the 5th time of asking her to fix them, I decided to stop because she clearly wasn't going to do what I was asking. I gave two stars because I didn't get what I wanted after I had asked them to be fixed SEVERAL TIMES and that is not okay for the prices they charge.

  • Maria Barcarola

    Maria Barcarola


    Very friendly place. I walked in and was very welcome and please. And the lady that did my nails her name is Sisi she's Chinese and did awesome👌Thank you Sisi😘I'm very happy with your work,and design,even though we were trying to figure out a design hihi lol

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