UNIQLO w Garden City

Stany ZjednoczoneUNIQLO



🕗 godziny otwarcia

630, Old Country Road, 11530, Garden City, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 877-486-4756
strona internetowej: www.uniqlo.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7372204, Longitude: -73.6122441

komentarze 5

  • en

    russell karmel


    Helpful staff...Good prices and comfortable shopping experience. And I like the fit and quality....all at a fair price point.

  • Adrian Leslie

    Adrian Leslie


    Felt kind of chaotic as far as where items were placed. Good service though, just not very attractive.

  • Margie Rouzer

    Margie Rouzer


    We drive 7.5 hours from Pennsylvania to visit our daughter, and this store is a MUST every trip! They have a different style, and very comfortable clothing! Their Airism and Heat Tech type of shirts work great for underneath my scrub uniforms, or just underneath anything really! Staff have been friendly and helpful. I recommend that you stop in and give them a try. ☺

  • Gerard Vilfort

    Gerard Vilfort


    Great styles and good prices.

  • Samuel Wong

    Samuel Wong


    Employees are friendly and helpful. Store has plentiful of stock even though it's not as big as the Uniqlos in Manhattan. If you don't see your size, ask because there is usually more inventory in the back. This Uniqlo is not that different from their NYC stores except tax is applicable on clothes in Long Island. Expect great value for the price from their clothes. It's the reason why Uniqlo is high on the list of the fast fashion industry.

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