Union Haircutters & Planet Kidz w Rutherford

Stany ZjednoczoneUnion Haircutters & Planet Kidz



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325, Union Avenue, 07070, Rutherford, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-939-4442
strona internetowej: planetkidzsalon.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.836249, Longitude: -74.113891

komentarze 5

  • Abbie Cozzini

    Abbie Cozzini


    Great place for a kids haircut. They do a great job. They are very friendly and experienced with kids. They ha r always done exactly what I've asked or shown them for my son's haircut. They even have a small play area for the kids. My small critique would be that though you can tell that they try to keep the toy area clean, each time we've been there has always been hairclippings on the toys and rug in that area. I've even found half eaten candy laying around in the toy area before. So I wish that area was cleaner, but otherwise, really great spot for a kids haircut.

  • Camille Mercado

    Camille Mercado


    They were very busy on the children’s side, but service was nice and quick. Price is decent: $55 for wash, cut, dry for my medium to long hair. They accept cards. Street parking only. Ladies were nice. I didn’t like the smell of their shampoo, though 😂 Hair style lasted all week!! Only blow dry, no flat iron needed! She did great! Sorry I can’t remember her name 👎

  • en

    Christian Kasper


    Been going here since I was a kid. Great people that focus on a person's hair. I love this place!

  • Melvin Fernandes

    Melvin Fernandes


    When my turn was up I expected a quiet different hair cut but all because her head was around the kids it took her less than 4minutes to even take care of what I desired. I had a very bad experience. It is really not worth of being treated for the money they charge. They should rather take care of kids than adults.

  • Chris M

    Chris M


    The place is great. Friendly, talented, lots of toys for kids. They have a talking Elmo...what else so you need? I'll also say they were very cognizant of it being our daughters first hair cut and reminded us to do all the sentimental things in spite of our being anxious about how loud she was screaming through the process. On the other side, the adult side -- it's very mature and salan-ish. Thumping house (?) music, floor length mirrors. It's an odd combination and it uses one door. Whatever, they took care of my kid well and that's what matters to me.

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