Uncle Julio's w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneUncle Julio's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4301, Fairfax Drive, 22203, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-528-3131
strona internetowej: unclejulios.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.882431, Longitude: -77.112983

komentarze 5

  • Josef Lalimarmo

    Josef Lalimarmo


    Food was tasteful with good presentation. Servers were helpful and polite. However, our Large Group (no reservation) resulted in a long wait after the order of our food. Just over 95 minutes for a party of over 20 people. Would recommend advising the servers to provide the food as they are completed in lieu of serving at the same time. Noted other customers in restaurant were able to order, receive food, and complete meal before our party even got our food.

  • Mainey On Google

    Mainey On Google


    The food and service was greatly appreciate! No complaints. The food was excellent and different but tasty ! Happy hour starts 3pm & ends 6pm.

  • Luis De Abreu

    Luis De Abreu


    Great place for authentic Mexican food. Arrived there around 7PM with a group of 6. In less than 10 minutes we were already seated. Very friendly staff and the food was great. The portions were decent and the prices reasonable. Overall, a great experience. Highly recommended!

  • Vanessa L.

    Vanessa L.


    This restaurant had a bit of a wait which turned out great because we had to sit at the bar and met Zach. He made us feel so welcome and really made a boring night out actually fun. Great personality, quick and professional service. I’m ready to come back and hang with my buddy Zach at the bar. It was my first time here and he definitely left a lasting impression.

  • Keysmash



    The food here is just alright. This isn't the best Uncle Julio's by a long shot. Bad acoustics, so when it gets crowded, it's really loud. The decor is all mismatched. Different flooring, different wallpapers, random paintings and mirrors all over. For the food... The chips were half acceptable, half stale. Enchiladas were on the bland side, the chicken honestly didn't look fully cooked. Chicken bowl has mushy rice, barely any chicken, and only a tiny spoonful of guacamole. Our margarita was salted on only one side....? Strange. The food and service are still fast, and the location is convenient. But there's something really wrong here, it's better to try some local food instead.

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