Unbounded Potential, LLC w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneUnbounded Potential, LLC



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475, K Street Northwest, 20001, Washington, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 202-688-5460
strona internetowej: catherineawood.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.902713, Longitude: -77.018489

komentarze 5

  • Alicia Collier

    Alicia Collier


    I had the privilege of experiencing the powerful coaching skills of Catherine Wood during our most recent retreat to the Dominican Republic! Catherine supported me in discovering vital energy that is now fueling my professional and personal life. I find myself more committed to show up for myself, my projects, and those dearest to my heart! Catherine is a pure reflection of joy and love! She artfully held space of all of the retreat participants, while challenging us to dive deep into our true essence and to own it! Being surrounded by lush green ferns in the Treehouse Village was pure paradise!

  • Amanda Hirsch

    Amanda Hirsch


    Working with Catherine (one-on-one and as part of a group she runs for women) made me realize that for all my apparent self-confidence, I was fundamentally lacking confidence and trust in myself, and it was holding me back from pursuing my dreams. For my entire adult life, I had learned how to keep my eye on what I really wanted, but never quite let myself have it. With targeted practices and tools and incredibly transformative coaching sessions, I was able to break through old patterns and find the belief in myself I needed. I am finally allowing myself to create the life I always wanted, without apology. That currently includes allowing myself to articulate my audacious vision for my business, and allowing myself to say no to things I don't want instead of saying "yes" because I'm afraid I can't have the things I do want. I highly, highly recommend working with her.

  • Eric Koch

    Eric Koch


    Catherine Wood is amazing! She is great at what she does in coaching people to level up their success in life and in business. Catherine works with woman entrepreneurs who want to show up more confidently and uplevel their bottom line by getting out of their own way. And the clients she has worked with have seen tremendous results when it comes to areas such as self-care, relationships, income and/or business growth, family, and so much more. If you think about it, all the great leaders and people you know have a coach to help navigate them toward success, and Catherine Wood is someone you definitely need in your corner!

  • Alex Milewski

    Alex Milewski


    When I decided to hire a coach, I talked to 5 different coaches but then came upon one—Catherine Wood—who really challenged me with the things she said, the questions she asked, and the way she was. Our first conversation gave me a strong belief that she would be a very valuable ally as I embarked on my journey as a career dancer. When I went into coaching, I was kind of expecting someone that would challenge all of the decisions that I made and tell me what I should and shouldn’t do. But anyone who knows anything about coaching knows that’s totally not it. My expectation was off, but it turned out to be a lot more helpful than I thought it would be because coaching is all about you (me). I already have everything I need and I just have to manifest that and embody that and believe in myself, and learning that was super important for me. Being able to believe that you have something to offer and that you’re valuable, that’s where so many people get stuck because you look at everyone else who is already a success and think you’re not good enough. But you can’t compare yourself to professionals as a beginner. We all had to start somewhere, and if you never start then it’s not going to happen. I think coaching helps you get there, and that is really important. One of the most powerful things I learned during coaching with Cat is that you can’t choose from fear. You must choose from commitment. You have to go much deeper than the words—you must learn how to internalize it and then actually state out loud what choosing from commitment means to you.

  • Kerilynn Vigneau

    Kerilynn Vigneau


    I would say that gaining confidence in my abilities really started coming out when I started coaching with Cat. The life coaching side of it was what I needed, that little extra push in my business so that I was confident in myself. I feel like I was faking it until I could make it; that’s essentially what I was doing, and I was good at it. I was good at copying what everyone was doing, but I don’t think I realized that I was capable of figuring it out on my own and actually creating a totally separate path that other people could follow behind me, and with Cat I really unlocked those fears and was able to find that confidence in my abilities. When I went into coaching with Cat, I thought I’d see a few changes. I thought it would help push me just a little further than what I was doing, enough essentially to get to where I was hoping to get closer to my small leap goals. The smartest thing I ever did was a sample session with Cat to talk about my business and what my goals were and putting it into action. She is awesome at holding you accountable, which is exactly what I needed even though I did not know that until she sat down with me and really held me to what I said I was going to do. And because of that, I’ve pushed my limits, I’ve pushed past my comfort zone and I feel stronger and happier and healthier in my life, my personal life and my business, and I just can see so much more potential in myself than I ever saw before, and it’s all thanks to coaching with Cat. I have such a better perspective on myself as well as way more confidence in myself than I ever had. I don’t think I ever really realized what people thought of me, and I think I had a lot more negative voices in my head than I originally realized I had; I just thought it was something you had to live with and kind of just power through. But in working with Cat I’ve started to understand why I say those things, how not to be brought down by those awful feelings or thoughts or untrue notions about myself. And all of those components have made me a stronger entrepreneur and stronger in my personal relationships, as well as just feeling more confident in myself and being a leader of other individuals and being somebody who inspires other people, which I don’t think I realized how much I could do until I had done this. It’s totally changed my relationship to myself. I don’t think I expected that to actually come out of it, and it’s been a wonderful surprise.

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