UM Laurel Regional Hospital w Laurel

Stany ZjednoczoneUM Laurel Regional Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
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Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
7300, Van Dusen Road, 20707, Laurel, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-725-4300
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.0869021, Longitude: -76.8816332

komentarze 5

  • en

    Linda Barta


    Please keep in mind that this review dies not include all of the Emergency Department Staff, but... I was ignored for hours, and left freezing in a room, after repeatedly asking for blankets. I requested to use the bathroom, and finally had to drag myself to the front of the bed and climb off, after disconnecting my blood pressure, and pulse oximeter units. I was barely able to see or walk. And the nurse had the nerve to tell "pee in the cup while you're in there." The doctor in particular, was so clearly uninterested in me or the incredible pain I was in, that he was willing to discharge me when I was basically in the same condition that I had arrived in. just layed in the bed. His nurse was so unattentive that she didn't notice. Thank God the 3:00 shift arrived during my "protest." I explained to the new doctor, and was admitted to the hospital. This is the third experience with this hospital, where emergency services resulting in admission we're needed. The ONLY reason that I went there was because the level of pain required the closest medical facility. Shameful. The Only reason they get two stars is that the second shift was amazing, as was my nurses on the floor. I'm glad I wrote this review. It made me. See that I need to file an official complaint.

  • Jamilla Samuels

    Jamilla Samuels


    They are horrible. Doctor was rude ! He said his job wasn’t to find out what’s wrong it’s to tell me if I had a bloodclot or if I’m having a heart attack. I was there for 4 hours and I was spoken to / checked on 1 TIME ! One nurse gave me tuna and I couldn’t eat it so I got him. He gonna say that’s all we have so eat it or give it back. Rather die then go back. NEEDS TO SHUT DOWN

  • en

    Trish B


    Ever heard of upcoding? This hospital is the definition of that. I came in with sharp pain in my stomach. They ran every test they could bill my insurance for. I asked for ice or water they said no because I had thrown up. They left me in a room with a fever of 102 for two hours. They finally came to get me for an MRI, then CAT scan which I wasn’t sure why I was getting in the first place. The put me back in the room for another hour. They came back to get X-rays, I was weak and collapsed when I tried to get up, instead of helping me the nurse got in my face and told to calm down to slow my breathing that I was going to kill myself if I didn’t calm down. I could barely talk and I was cover in cold sweat I told I need water. After FIVE hours of being in the hospital she finally had them put me an IV. I stayed over night the pain was still going. They said test were inconclusive. In the morning they switch my IV bag and the new shift came in. I told the nurse I was still in pain she said there nothing more we can do, we need the bed. She then took out my new IV and said this isn’t happen quick enough, you’ll be fine, go home and buy some TUMs, go see your doctor on Monday, mind you this was Saturday morning. I continued in pain for the rest of the weekend. I got an appointment for Tuesday and my doctor let me know it was probably an ulcer and the testing they did was completely unnecessary. They should have done an endoscopy. Then he review the test from the hospital and there was abnormal results for my kidney but the nurse nor the doctor even mentioned that to me. The hospital is horrible they are rude and they don’t care about the patient they just want to make sure they get the biggest and quickest pay out of your insurance.

  • Lovely Lady

    Lovely Lady


    This hospital is in a great area. I would think they would have the best of everything. I won’t go here for anything serious. Geepers creepers watch out!!

  • Raice Hobson

    Raice Hobson


    the worse staff imaginable. you will be created in the ER by a receptionist who will have an attitude no matter why you have come they will actually move there chair rather than see you in pain. then you get placed in a room to be ignored for no less than an hour all attempts to signal a nurse using the call button will be ignored as well as request for pain medicine or even a blanket. as much as Laurel is growing I would think they would need at least a half way decent medical facility to look after it's citizens. the told me I had cancer as a child I guess that's the disease of choice when you don't know what you are doing 3 years ago after weeks of testing they told me I needed a new liver then discharged me telling me I need figure out what to do next on my own this place sucks and should be taken down with dynamite

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