Ultrah Unltd i Wappingers Falls

Forenede StaterUltrah Unltd



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2686, West Main Street, 12590, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-632-6644
internet side: www.ultrahunltd.com
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Latitude: 41.6003119, Longitude: -73.920325

kommentar 5

  • en

    Polo S


    Definitely worth checking it out. They Buy Sell & Trade and also have great items for sale in the store at great prices ( I want the vintage DYNO bicycle so bad!) Store is right on Main St and easy to find/park. Wether in Wappengers or Poughkeepsie, Ultrah Unltd is close bye & always there when you need them. The owner is a great guy too and shows he appreciates your business.

  • en

    Aaron joba


    Great shop. Unique merchandise from Jordan Sneakers to name brand tools to antiques. Owner is very friendly and knowledgeable. Fare prices. Definitely worth checking out

  • Piff Cig

    Piff Cig


    Bought my ipad from this store for amazing deal and it works amazing!!!!! unlike the broke One cex sold me. Also the owner Was very helpful with my purchase being I needed an older model ipad👍🏻 He got me exactly what i wanted.

  • Diane Higgings

    Diane Higgings


    They buy, sell, trade all types of items. Cash paid right on the spot. Quick and easy. Very fair prices paid too! Give them a call or stop by. They bought my video games collection and a few gift cards I had laying around. Awesome place! 5 stars all the way!

  • Garnet Enero

    Garnet Enero


    Ultrah Unlimited is the perfect place to find unique and interesting items. I highly recommend visiting to anyone who appreciates nostalgia and a one of a kind shopping experience. There is always something exciting to be found and the business owner is amazing to do business with.

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