Ulta Beauty i Maywood

Forenede StaterUlta Beauty



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45, West Spring Valley Avenue, 07607, Maywood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-368-0496
internet side: www.ulta.com
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Latitude: 40.913791, Longitude: -74.0591649

kommentar 5

  • en

    Carmen Gaston Lopez


    Devon was very helpful and made good recommendations

  • Mia Giordano

    Mia Giordano


    My mom and I had a horrible experience there today. I am absolutely ashamed at the lack of customer service skills at this store. Honestly, being treated like you are a peasant by the associates makes me want to stick to online shopping. I brought my mom there today so she could spend a gift card and so that I could buy her a Mother's Day gift, and the treatment was just ridiculous. Normally, the staff is semi-friendly, but today it was a completely different experience. Multiple associates circled us like hawks and badgered us multiple times asking if they could help us with anything. I appreciate the interest, but when someone is constantly breathing down your neck, it becomes unnecessary. My mom wanted to purchase a blush brush, and the woman made a nasty comment towards her when she opened the drawer. She didn't know that she wasn't supposed to open the drawer and the woman treated her like she was a 5 year old over an honest mistake. The drawer was open so my mom just took a look and this woman acted like she had personally attacked her. She could have just kindly asked her to stop, but no. Then, both of us went over to the skincare area, and a man who was dressed like he was guarding the Pentagon asked us multiple questions. It was really odd. As we approached the Juice Beauty Section, an obnoxious woman came up to us and began hounding us about the products like we had never seen a moisturizer. My mom said to her, "Oh no thank you, we are just looking," and as we began to walk away, the woman says in a snide voice, "Oh well excuse me, I didn't mean to scare you away." I swear, after this I was just about ready to put back our products and leave, but we were trying to have an enjoyable mother-daughter experience so we just brushed it off. We wound up with a decent amount of products in the end, and got use out of the gift card. The only normal person working there was the cashier who was quite kind. We will not be returning there in the future. Sephora will always be my go-to. If this store plans on continuing to make money, they best hire some sensible associates who can learn how to get off their high horses and act empathetic to their customers. I'm disgusted by the snotty attitudes of some of these women.

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    L V


    I try to avoid going to this store at all costs. The employees are poorly trained and have absolutely no customer service skills whatsoever. The terrible shopping experience begins when you walk through the doors as you will not be acknowledged. The employees can see you walking around the store looking perplexed and they won’t ask if you need any assistance. Whoever is performing their customer service training really needs to take a course themselves as you can tell they don’t put much effort into it. I wish there was another store in the area where I could get the cosmetics products that I love. I absolutely dread going to this store, if you can try to buy online in order to avoid the aggravation.

  • Deborah Adams

    Deborah Adams


    I have been going here for several years now. Sales are great, make sure you sign up for points, it def pays. Their return policy is fantastic! They can be very busy so choose your visit wisely!

  • Deana Ergic

    Deana Ergic


    I was there on November 6th and about 2pm (I actually am writing this right outside in my car because the service was that despicable.) while waiting on a very long line I noticed one customer ask an associate a question about a product in the paper. The associate replied to the question with, “I don’t know, that’s not my department. You should find someone who knows”. Another associate at the register was rolling her eyes while speaking to a customer and making various rude faces, almost like a rebellious teen speaking to an adult. Finally it was my turn on line and the associate was extremely unwelcoming, rang up my product, handed it to me with the receipt, NO bag, and without another word, proceeded to call the next costumer over. Disgusting customer service in this Ulta location and I surely will not be returning. I do not spend my money with Ulta to be treated with attitude and moved along like cattle. If I wanted that sort of treatment I would head over to the DMV. The managers have a great deal of work to do on their employees.

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