Udelco in Hawthorne

Vereinigte StaatenUdelco



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210, 6th Avenue, 07506, Hawthorne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 973-423-9301
webseite: www.udelcoinc.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.9649721, Longitude: -74.1514877

kommentare 5

  • en

    Mallory S


    A fun place to shop and the people who work there are amazing !

  • Tim Masterson

    Tim Masterson


    It's monstrous and a little disheveled, but you'll probably find something worth the trip.

  • en

    Vagabonds' Photography


    Absolutely love this place. Picked up 2 drug rugs, a pair of shoes and a few shirts for like 30 bucks

  • Artful Dodger

    Artful Dodger


    Back in the '80s, when Udelco was in Orangeburg, NY and Nyack, they did a lot of cool over-dyed stuff and they had sharp price points. Today it looks and feels like a very different operation. Spending hours fishing through tons of dirty clothes in cardboard boxes and having no prices on them makes this a wholly unappealing process. And the prices today present no bargains. Lucrative for the owners, no doubt, but there are no bargains here any longer.

  • Zak Hammerman

    Zak Hammerman


    The best thrift store/warehouse full of vintage oddities in the entirety of North Jersey, hands down. Almost any type of clothing you can think of (and probably more you can't) has a dedicated box brimming with eclectic used items. Be sure to peruse the wool sweaters, 70's shirts, rain jackets, belts and tees. You get what you pay for, so some damaged items will be cheaper. When you can find a wool-lined leather flight jacket, slim fit jeans, a novelty tee and a pair of Vans all for under 20 bucks, you tend not to care about the wear and tear as much.

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