U-Stor Self Storage i Aurora

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterU-Stor Self Storage



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12072, East 30th Avenue, 80010, Aurora, Adams County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 303-340-2121
internet side: www.u-stor.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.7582118, Longitude: -104.8474685

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ingar Abarzua


    Yesterday I drove 1 hr to pay for my storage fee so I couldn't get charged late fees. I was there 2 min late. The lady was in the process of locking the office to leave, so I asked her if she could take my money because I live so far away and I drove so long to get there. She refused saying she already locked the office. I sat there for a min and I saw her getting out of the car and getting back into the office. That is just mean. This people don't go the extra mile for the customers. They just don't care.

  • Darold Burnett

    Darold Burnett


    Efficient and reasonably priced storage

  • Douglas Comer

    Douglas Comer


    I've been there for 2 years, so far. Never had a problem. No trash filled isles, like other storage places.

  • en

    Lindsey Pekas


    Great rates, very clean, 24 hr access, and staff was super professional and friendly!

  • en

    dianne christner


    I really am glad that I had decided to go with this storage space. This was close to my home, prices are inexpensive, and they are very friendly. The hours, they are open, are very convenient. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my storage unit due to relocation out of state. Over all, these are great units with an affordable price and I would recommend them to anyone and everyone. Thank you.

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