Two Men and a Truck w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneTwo Men and a Truck



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3555, Valley Drive, 15234, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-881-1111
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.352699, Longitude: -80.023099

komentarze 5

  • en

    Shaye Harris


    I used 2 Men and a Truck yesterday for my move from my apartment to my new home. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful an experience it was. Cory, Brandon and Alex were professional and very courteous. They took their time to make sure my belongings were wrapped and carefully moved them into the truck and then into my home. I have moved several times using various Moving Companies and 2 Men and a Truck was, by far, THE best company. I will not hesitate to recommend 2 Men to friends and family. An a big shout out to Cory, Brandon and Alex for making an otherwise stressful situation so easy.

  • en

    slp slp


    The whole experience was great!! Spoke with Justin for scheduling and he made everything very easy and was very helpful in putting the move together. I Recieved a confirmation phone call a few days before the move from Dave and he was very nice and wanted to know if there was anything that I needed for move day. On the day of the move Jake and Edward arrived on time and ready to work. They got right into the job and worked very professionally and got the move done!! They were very adaptive to some minor changes. They both had great attitudes and it was a pleasure to have them for the move. I would recommend Two Men and A Truck to anyone to use for a great moving expierence.

  • Annette Melendez

    Annette Melendez


    Yesterday was my move and I can honestly say they were unbelievably OUTSTANDING!!!! They were professional, clean, organized, and friendly. They took excellent care when moving things specially when some of my items were extremely heavy. They worked so quickly and efficient. They were AMAZING!!!! If you are looking for a moving company, don't look more this company is the real deal! PS: Thank you Lynne for helping us arranged this move for us quickly and efficiently.

  • en

    Deb Carleton


    I can honestly say that we have used many movers in the past, but this is the first time with Two Men. They were unbelievably OUTSTANDING!!!! They were prompt, polite, friendly, took good care when moving things, and oh so personable throughout. I know the lead mover's name was Tim T., but unfortunately I don't have the other men's names. These men worked so quickly that they had us moved in 2 hours instead of the predicted 3 hours. I HIGHLY recommend them and plan to use them in the future. Thank you for your skill and expertise. Also a big shout out to Lynne in the office who arranged this move for us quickly and efficiently. 100% pleased.

  • Angel Nichols

    Angel Nichols


    Expensive, but completely worth it. I needed to move my Aunt out of a bad situation on short notice, over a distance of almost a thousand miles. The company was extremely professional, efficient, kind, and they were on time coming and going. All four men that helped to pack, drive, and unpack were very, very nice. They explained all the paperwork patiently, and were very sweet to my Aunt and I. In addition, it was worth a bit more money to only have to pay one bill instead of four, and to not have to worry about hidden fees. An excellent service I will definitely use in the future.

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