Twins Barber Shops w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneTwins Barber Shops



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15414, North 19th Avenue, 85023, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-375-0150
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6263105, Longitude: -112.1002771

komentarze 5

  • Christopher Soto

    Christopher Soto


    I've been going to both locations (dependent on which one was closer) for several years, and have been taken care of well with each visit. No matter which barber cuts your hair, you'll look great when they're done.

  • Darwin



    Good place. Neat,clean,friendly staff. Good deals on haircuts and eye brow waxing.

  • John Dee

    John Dee


    Excellent hair cut. Fantastic people. Great atmosphere.

  • en

    Desi Nelson


    I absolutely love this barbershop. I have four sons and they all want different haircuts. It’s hard to find a barbershop that is welcoming and can deliver awesome haircuts. Regina and Jill are very good at what they do and I would recommend this place to anyone that needs a good haircut.

  • Chris B.

    Chris B.


    I've been going to this barbershop for a while now and what is really disappointing is the fact that I got a bad haircut and expressed how much I was displeased and unsatisfied with the style in the way the cut turn out and I still ended up getting charged even though I basically was horrified at the way I look. I just find it more and more common for a business to sit there and listen to how dissatisfied you are with their service and want to take your money from you at the same time. All I was looking for her with signal is that I was not happy and to either offer to make it right or not have me pay for the haircut.

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