TuTu Nail Salon w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneTuTu Nail Salon



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111-4, Liberty Avenue, 11419, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-880-2539
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6847008, Longitude: -73.8308515

komentarze 5

  • en

    Samina Aswat


    I got a French manicure and pedicure, terrible. The white line was uneven on ALL my fingers. The lady didn’t wait for my nails to be dry before putting on clear coat so the pink French was visible on the white line. She also didn’t cover the whole tip of my nail with the white. I could see the tips of my nails .TERRIBLE. I even went back to ask her to fix it. Rushed and still not even. She also didn’t shape my nails nicely. Wouldn’t recommend it. Definetly not going back.

  • Erica ree

    Erica ree


    DON'T GO HERE They had me waiting for over 2 hours while they would take people who just came into the nail salon. They wasted my time but at least I didn't waste my money, and you shouldn't either. If I could I will give 0 stars. Very unprofessional

  • Tee Ann

    Tee Ann


    Second time getting my nails done here. The first time Ocean did a great job with the SNS manicure. But the second time I came, I wanted to get acrylic tips due to my nails being short. The other Asian man here with glasses did my nails. He did a good job shaping wise but only a week later and two of my nails have broken off.

  • en

    Lilly Gomezz


    Excellent job! I had to wait awhile for Ocean to do my nails because he had 2 other women to do before me, but he was worth it! While I was waiting for Ocean, I got a pedicure from Anson. He did an excellent job too! His leg massage was out of this world! The paraffin wax he put on my heels made them so soft! The fact that all equipment is sterilized and they use disposable files and pumice stones- made me feel even better! I would highly recommend!

  • Kimbaly Hernandez

    Kimbaly Hernandez


    I started going to get my nails done at Tutu's Nail Salon, hands down, the best I've come around, the employees are very pleasant and works to satisfy all their customers. I had one of the best Pedicure so far. As for my Manicure, Ocean was extremely good. He definitely surprised me. Overall, I would recommend anyone to this nail salon. Thanks guys.

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