Tucson Country Day School w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneTucson Country Day School



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9239, East Wrightstown Road, 85715, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-296-0883
strona internetowej: www.tcdcharterschool.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2435572, Longitude: -110.7954578

komentarze 5

  • ZaraTheArtist



    If I could give it zero stars I would. Why is this school even getting two stars. Kids give you looks and death threats on the daily. You can't ever get away from some of the so called teachers. They follow you around and throw out lunch detentions just for 1 assignment and half of the time it's just another glitch in the system! Studyisland in fact does not help and when teachers assign three bleu ribbons it takes students even longer than thirty mins! Multiple classes are assigned it and they wonder why the missing work count is getting higher! This is ridicloulous look at yourselves and look what a jail you put us in! The guidance counselor wont take a hint and let people be and its insane what they pull out of the brain of theirs! Someone writes and emotional poem and the counselor goes a p e s h i t this is so stupid! Thank god for the one or two amazing teachers there if they werent here this school would be in even smaller peices than it is. They really save the school. Saying that, I feel bad for the two teachers who care beacause they are constantly treated terribly by dissrespectful students and always the last ones reminded of something. This school has fallen apart beyond repair. I am so out.

  • Justin’s life vlog’s

    Justin’s life vlog’s


    This school is horrible I attended this school last year from 2nd grade and it is horrible it’s like a prison for kids the vice principal is a retard it is way too much to say what she and the counselor have done to me they both should be fired and and a another thing they really don’t keep up with the maintenance this school is Hell don’t send your kid here.

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    Alli Marie


    Used to be good but went downhill.

  • Lauren Figueroa

    Lauren Figueroa


    Best school I've ever been to. The community is awesome and the staff are amazing. Many options for students such as basketball, softball, soccer, flag football, cheer leading, band, orchestra, drama, etc. Many school events such as, Olympiad day, (field day) water day, field trips, etc. Awesome school. Love it. Plus, an amazing summer camp.

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    Kaiya Valenzuela


    Easily the best school I've been to. The staff and students are always fun and friendly. They have a large amount of activities and sports to participate in too!! I love TCDS and anyone who comes here will too!!

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