Tucson Bus Station w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneTucson Bus Station



🕗 godziny otwarcia

801, East 12th Street, 85719, Tucson, Pima County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 520-792-3475
strona internetowej: locations.greyhound.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2202415, Longitude: -110.959165

komentarze 5

  • Aleksandra Zalewina

    Aleksandra Zalewina


    Only reason I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 is that the staff at the station itself was nice and helpful. Worst bus experience in my life and I've used tons of bus connections, even the Eastern European rural area buses were better than the trip we had the displeasure to take from Tucson to Phoenix. The bus was late and despite empty roads gained even more of a delay on its way, the driver was rude and yelled and passengers, inside of the bus was absolutely filthy with food scraps and trash everywhere on the floor, dirty napkins and other rubbish stuffed beside seats and in the crevices around windows. The bus reeked of public toilets, very strong nauseating chemical smell, I left feeling dizzy and with a headache. The person unpacking our luggage was purposely taking forever unloading even though we begged to let us take our bag because we might miss our plane if this drags on. He started reading all the luggage labels from the beginning after we told him that... The money we saved using Greyhound instead of renting a car was not worth the aggravation.

  • Donald Wagner

    Donald Wagner


    First I bought my ticket online 2 weeks in advance. The bus was supposed to leave at 10:55 am. Didn't get there until 2:35 pm. I was supposed to be in Tucson in 12 hours from Baton Rouge. Try 3 days. At least I was given a motel room since we arrived a little after 2 in the morning. My bike still hasn't been located when it was supposed to arrive at the same time as me. Already been 3 days overdue. They tell me it can't be traced until Friday over a week later. I'm never using Greyhound bus ever again. The people lie to you and don't care about your situation. Finally my bike arrived at Greyhound three weeks later. La dee da! 😲😤😫 I'm going to pick it up tomorrow. I'm 62 years old, 100% disabled and new to Tucson. Had to go to the hospital on account of my bad health and having to walk everywhere I go when I'm supposed to be too crippled to walk very far even with my cane. I averaged 5 miles a day for food. I'm going to ask for a full refund of $45.00 for shipping my bike. Only God knows if and when I'll see that. If God loved liars the Greyhound staff would be full of angels!😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

  • Paula Ignacio

    Paula Ignacio


    I am grateful for this Company and their Employees. Driver was friendly and I got from point A to Point B safely! Yay!

  • Malissa Phillips

    Malissa Phillips


    As of right now I bought a ticket for my friend YESTERDAY, and she is still not here. They are holding her basically hostage by not letting her on the bus that has been PAID for because she has a bad attitude. Attitude DOES NOT matter. Put the customer on the bus. She is stranded in Tucson with no one available to help her and GREYHOUND is making it worse. I am trying to get her home to Illinois and GREYHOUND employees are trying to be vindictive and not let her on the bus. I may not be there, but that doesn't matter.

  • es

    Carmen Hernandez


    Muy mala experiencia con el hombre de seguridad.. Me rayo todo mi carro.. Deberían escojer mejor su personal de seguridad..

najbliższy Dworzec autobusowy

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