T&S Auto Clinic Inc. en Маунт Синай

Estados UnidosT&S Auto Clinic Inc.



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Маунт Синай, Нью-Йорк 11766, США
contactos teléfono: +1 631-780-6501
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.940495, Longitude: -73.005173

comentarios 5

  • en

    ken matura


    I've used T&S Auto Clinic for the past few years and have always been 100% satisfied.Terry has helped me out in car emergencies a number of times. Just this morning, on her way to work, my daughter got a flat. Terry immediately fixed it before he was even fully opened. I live a few miles away from the auto clinic and they have even given me a lift home a number of times. T & S Auto Clinic is the kind of auto service needed in every community. Very honest , caring, and family oriented!

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    Patrick Tardo


    I used them twice unfortunately. First time I needed a new muffler. I wound up spending $1100 because the car needs brakes and a tie rod and a new muffler. I get my van back it still sounds loud. My wife dropped her call off there to plug a tire and it was $56. Just the plug was $25. Was tax and labor. I just spent 1100 on my van. I think 25 dollars for a plug would have fair. I will never take any vehicle there or recommend anyone to do the same.

  • Athena H

    Athena H


    If zero stars were possible, I wouldn't even give one. DO NOT bring your car here for anything more than oil changes & light bulb replacements. Normally I wouldn't even bother leaving reviews but considering my engine is dead & my car is sitting in my driveway not working, just like I knew it would after I left this shop, I am. Two weeks after coming in with a working car with a small oil leak, no check engine light on, no engine issues, I needed a valve gasket replacement. What I got was a three day wait for a one day job. I was told by another mechanic it should have taken no time @ all. Terry (the owner) & whoever else touched my car, destroyed my engine. I dropped it on a Thursday, didn't get back until Saturday. While I called him he was telling me the 'Mazda' part hadn't come in yet. I had to tell him that my car was a Toyota. First red flag. But yk I'm not a distrusting person & things happen. The second red flag was when he told me he needed to keep my car until Saturday. The third & final red flag was when I pulled away an hour before they closed the shop & to run my errands, & ten minutes in my check engine light turns on & my car's engine is rumbling like it's misfiring or might stall while idling. My car NEVER did this before. Not even once. I have also had the same model car before I had this one so I know how this car is supposed to work. I took it to auto zone so they could scan it & I had four misfires & they printed the receipts for me. I kept them. I went to a mechanic I had seen before this guy who has worked on my car before, never had any problems, my car was always working after I left, & he showed me specifically what he would have to do. He only had to go through the top of my engine. Tell me why after a week of almost stalling out on the road (I'm a full time nanny & student, I need my car to work & go to school, & I live alone with no family in the area) I bring it to a friend's dad's mechanic (who has been in business for 50+ years) that he told me my whole engine was wired wrong, the pan was glued back on underneath, & the engine seems toast & I should look for another car. So after going back to T & S & having then look @ it, all they did was clear my check engine light & tell me my next oil change was free. Big whoop. I ended up having to go back to get my money. Afterwards, I get my coils replaced by my friends dad, engine rewired, & fuses replaced (something I had already done a couple of months ago), I've only had the car five months & dumped a pretty penny of work to get it to how it was working prior to bringing it to T & S. My whole car would vibrate & my engine would shake @ lights. I stalled in the middle of traffic twice. Finally it died yesterday. Thanks to this guy I'm out of a car & a lifeline. I'm stranded @ home. What should have taken one day has put me throughso much grief, stress, & worry how I'm going to pay the bills & how I'm going to get to school. I went back to let him come clean, I was met with hostility & told I tried to 'hustle' him. I have no reason to hustle people. I pay more than my fair share for anything & don't go around trying to screw people. If you do the job right, there won't be problems. But I have no car now. I told him that I could pay whatever as long as my car was fine & he said he gave me a 'family deal' meaning he gave me a deal because he thought I was strapped for cash which I wasn't up until now. I didn't ask any favors. So now I have to tow my car all the way to the dealership thanks to this guy because I'm out of a car. I could lose my job & miss classes thanks to this place. I walked in with a working car, he took me from a naive girl & still does & I might have to take this guy to court. I have a lawyer already & just have to go to small claims. I'll probably report to the better business bureau as well. I just don't think anyone should be kept in the dark. Also the first review is Terry the owner. Also if you're going to tow your car by them, make sure the chains are on because your car will roll off which happened to a friend with them.

  • Stephanie Smith

    Stephanie Smith


    Great service and honest mechanics! I'll never go any where else

  • en

    Caitlin Horning


    Numerous mechanics couldn't figure out what was wrong with my car till this guy. Told me in five seconds what it was. Had to leave it a day, good as new (.engine wise). Don't feel I was ripped off in any ways money wise. The guy (terry) told me all the parts are insured and under warranty or something to the effect. Called me a week later to make sure everything was still good. Happy with service overall

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