Truist i Cary

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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977, North Harrison Avenue, 27513, Cary, Wake County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 919-319-4840
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Latitude: 35.8021432, Longitude: -78.7835115

kommentar 5

  • donna cook

    donna cook


    Terrible customer service experience. I needed to report debit card fraud and get a temporary card. The branch was physically dirty, understaffed, and “out” of cards. If this represents Truist then I will be in my way. Never met this sort of disappointment at BB&T before.

  • Barbara Henry

    Barbara Henry


    Very disappointing interaction with the manager, John Walker. He was to help me with a letter I needed to close an estate. After waiting two weeks for his reply I called. He did not seem to aware of any of our previous conversations and was unable to provide information he had previously committed to. I asked him to take our conversation off speaker phone. He was not willing to that as well.

  • LeAnna DeLoache

    LeAnna DeLoache


    I had a great experience with Erica. I made a call initially to discuss things. She was friendly and knowledgeable. She followed up later. We made an in house appointment. That went well. She assisted and handled what I needed taken care of and informed me of other opportunities I qualified for or which were beneficial to me. I'm glad I found this location.

  • Paul Smith

    Paul Smith


    If you like BB&T do not go to this location. If you are a local business who banks with BB&T don't go here. If you need change for your local business don't go here as they never have change. If you want a fast or caring associate don't go here. By far the worst bank I've have ever been too and this includes Bank of America. Slow. Rude. Never have any change. When you call they place you on hold for an average of 6 to 10 mins. They have no problem wasting your time or gas by coming to there location with no warning that they don't have what you need. Long story short go to another BB&T if you want actual service.

  • Cecil D'Souza

    Cecil D'Souza


    I agree that it is the worst Bank with the worst Branch Manager. The guy does not even have the courtesy to call me back when there was a serious violation of my account and privacy. And these are the people responsible for my account and security who allowed somebody to withdraw money from my account without a valid ID and Bank card. Those two documents are with me. You would think that if the Bank had any sort of customer accountability or professionalism, or even courtesy, you'd get a call to discuss why this violation happened and how they can assure me that it will not happen again. Pathetic is not the word. I surely will send off a letter to the Corporate office letting them know what a pathetic Bank this.

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