Truist w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneTruist



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2200, Wilson Boulevard, 22201, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-284-0515
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8910149, Longitude: -77.0860701

komentarze 5

  • Pamela Hairston

    Pamela Hairston


    If there was something below a 1*, I would have selected that. I make a credit card payment at this location every month and every month since they have been Truist, I have had issues. They obviously don't want to accept payments. I stopped mailing the payments as they keep stating they receive them late...another lie. They just want to attach on late fees. Every month they have a problem with ACCEPTNG a payment. Something NEW every month. This month they wanted to see my ID. That's ridiculous. I am making a payment. I could understand if I was with drawling funds. NO PEOPLE...I AM MAKING A PAYMENT. Stop blaming the integration of your 2 banking systems and use common sense.

  • James Dylan

    James Dylan


    The employees here have no clue. Idiots said only a debit card is a valid second form of id. Nothing else. Not my car registration which has worked in insurance card or even my cosco photo ID card

  • Frenchy French

    Frenchy French


    I couldn’t do deposit at this ATM

  • Aynur Qaram

    Aynur Qaram


    Worst service, lied to me about my application.

  • Charlie Long

    Charlie Long


    Without a doubt, the worst financial institution I've ever had the displeasure of using. Canceled cards, ATM failures, improperly coded wire transfers, and many additional operational mistakes forced me to spend over $700 to correct Suntrust mistakes over the past two years. Outside of these personal issues, couldn't be more frustrated with Suntrust's inability to get branches and corporate on the same page. A simple customer service query will take you in vastly different directions when you look for answers in person or over the phone. Additionally, prepare to be nickel and dimed on fees you didn't even think could exist.

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