True Food Kitchen w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneTrue Food Kitchen



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2502, East Camelback Road, 85016, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-774-3488
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5103699, Longitude: -112.0277406

komentarze 5

  • Christina German

    Christina German


    I order frequently over post made and DoorDash. I’ve also visited the restaurants a couple of times. I love the environment the food is delicious. I always order the turkey burger and they always make it just how, I like it. I highly recommend this place. It’s super good and healthy💖

  • Kathleen Lucia

    Kathleen Lucia


    Wonderful salads and Green Iced Tea! Both indoor and outdoor seating. Great service! Great menu! Quality of food is top notch!

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    Robert Tapscott


    My wife sand l are from out of town and picked this restaurant more or less are random, The dinner was absolutely outstanding. Quite possibly the most delicious and innovative meal my wife and I have ever had. And the service was excellent too.

  • Julie Winter

    Julie Winter


    Fresh, delicious and amazing! Large place in the Biltmore Fashion area. I was a bit worried that “healthy” places can be a bit pretentious but not here. Just a great spot for dinner. They pride themselves on having something for everyone. Not just healthy/vegan they have beef burgers and desserts. Not fluffy place stuff. The salmon and and sea bass were both fresh and well presented enough that I forgot pics! The hummus was some of the best I’ve had. Service was excellent.

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    Alicia Griffin


    Our server was amazing. Wish I could remember his name! Our meal was so good! Really liked the atmosphere as well. If it is your first time going, definitely try their hummus For starters. It's that good! The steak tacos were amazing as well! Service was quick, knowledgeable and courtesy. The prices were reasonable. Vegan, Gluten-free, Vegetarian friendly. However, they do also have organic, sustainable meats!

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