Tropicana Diner and Bakery w Elizabeth

Stany ZjednoczoneTropicana Diner and Bakery



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Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
537-545, Morris Avenue, 07208, Elizabeth, Union County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 908-351-7775
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6736716, Longitude: -74.2235873

komentarze 5

  • Nikola Jovanovic

    Nikola Jovanovic


    Been eating here for years, quality has improved, and quite delicious for dinner food. Staff are nice, and is clean. Only changes I would make is possibly changing quality to restaurant rather than "diner" food.

  • en

    Keisha Grant


    Great food selections, service, food portions, wifi & Very cozy environment. Also, the chefs always transmit great energy onto their food every single time we eat there! Tropicana transcends your typical restaurant. On another note, these last 3 months or so, the food quality is SIGNIFICANTLY on the negative side... unfortunately it took me a few times, but hear me out... if you dine there after midnight on any given day, the new late night mgr is not so friendly-and the overnight cooks are horrible! I mean how do you ruin a toasted corn muffin with butter? How?? I suggest ALL to dine there early in the evening, where the early evening cooks are sharper and more on point... & I'm also saying this cuz I'm also a chef

  • en

    Ariel Townsend


    I absolutely love this place! It never disappoints and the service is always great! Great after club eatery and even brunch

  • Asha Mel Gomes

    Asha Mel Gomes


    Honestly I went there twice and neither time was I impressed with my food. I want to give them three stars but I find it hard to when it's a really nice place. Really clean, cute decor, extremely Quick Service, huge menu, nice staff... It's so pleasant that I'd probably go back and hope that the third time's a charm! Oh they have a Jack Daniels sauce on the menu, for my fellow JD sauce addicts, do not expect it to taste anything like the Fridays crack. Fageddaboutit!

  • en



    I really love this place. I've eaten here all hours of the day and night even in the middle of the night, the consistency and quality of the food is always the same no matter what your menu choice is, always filling always good. Staff is hospitable and welcoming. Management really cares and is willing to correct any negative issue that might might arise, and appreciate any input good and bad, just check the reviews. I like that. Good place, good people, good food, just relax and enjoy.

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