Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneTrinity Evangelical Lutheran Church



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309, Saint Pauls Avenue, 10304, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-447-0526
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6301011, Longitude: -74.0813329

komentarze 5

  • en

    Naima Hasan


    I love looking at this edifice from across the street where I live! I would love to see pictures of this building from the time it was completed!

  • en

    Mark Rossnagel


    I am fortunate to be the music director at this lovely church, since March 2017. They are a warm and caring congregation, and the church building, with its beautiful instruments and acoustic, is a treasure on Staten Island. Come by and give us a visit! Sunday services are at 11am.

  • en

    C Schmoeker


    My over-all impression of Sunday services : A delightful and non-imposing yet warm congregation. As a "young adult" I have found the quality of sermons given by pastors Jennifer Richards and Martin Malzahn to be genuine in intention and insightful, and therefore exceptional and refreshing. Honestly, they are the main reason for my re-occuring attendance since my arrival to SI 3 years ago. Mark Rossnagel's talent and passion as music director is hardly to be taken for granted either.

  • en

    Cynthia Roberti


    Trinity Lutheran Church is a community of caring parishioners. The building itself is a magnificent historical structure, and the congregation is committed to caring for each other - and for the community at large. It is a warm and loving place where God’s love is shared.

  • en

    Stephan Thimme


    We have been coming to TLC for ten years now, and it is a wonderful community. As close to an inner-city church as there might be on Staten Island. You can feel its strong tradition and history, coming from the days when Stapleton was a mostly German-speaking neighborhood, but you can also experience what church means to its members today: a very diverse, open-minded community in worship, of different ages, backgrounds and even political views, sharing the love of God in their large feeding ministry and soup kitchen, and in a lot of beautiful music.

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