Trinity Church w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneTrinity Church



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75, Broadway, 10006, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-602-0800
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7080624, Longitude: -74.0121849

komentarze 5

  • david mitchell

    david mitchell


    This is perhaps the most delightful church in all of Manhattan . In particular it is well framed by the walkway through to the NYSE. It also serves as a great reference point when navigating around the whole Wall Street and 9/11 area. We were lucky to pass this church on a Saturday afternoon as a wedding was coming out.

  • Jon Goetz

    Jon Goetz


    This place is full of the holy spirit...and the spirits of many dead people. Old churches are cool. Old cemeteries are cool. This place is a combination of both. Double cool.

  • Dave Williams

    Dave Williams


    Absolutely magnificent how it seems submerged by the surrounding modern buildings We were visiting and almost missed it, and possibly would have, if not for a kind passerby that overheard we were looking for it! The graves outside and around the church are a MUST see! Inside is breathtaking. This was the highlight of my 14 yr. old daughters trip to NYC.

  • Adrienne Lettré Keyser

    Adrienne Lettré Keyser


    Hugh fan of The Davinci Code so when I knew I was staying in lower Manhattan I had to check it out. We were on our way to the subway and stopped to take pictures. Luckily I was able to capture the Christmas music. Amazing architecture!! Even the cemetery was beautiful.

  • en

    Connie Hsu


    Wonderful church right on the wall street. It was played a very heavy role on the movie " national treasure". This was the only church that we visited New York City needs to go through security check to get in. Quite different experience we had. Walkable distant to a lot of lower Manhattan tour spots. Thought it would be a good place to clean your mind before you see another one.

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