Trimana Fresh Foods Market i Los Angeles

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterTrimana Fresh Foods Market



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800, Alameda Street, 90012, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 213-613-1433
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Latitude: 34.0557344, Longitude: -118.2355291

kommentar 5

  • Chester Paul Sgroi

    Chester Paul Sgroi


    A little pricey but not by much plus I have found the staff security to be friendly and helpful.

  • en

    Charles B


    This store is such a ghetto all there is thugs stealing the workers are very uneducated no customer oriented it also is in a horrible area with low life people who shop there and fight with other customers also dirty unclean with cockroaches coming in thru the door one day avoid this nasty store.

  • Eduardo Lopez

    Eduardo Lopez


    Gets super corwded at times which I reasonable for Union Station but the security is always staring at every move I make. I get why stores would have that concern but it just makes me uncomfterable. the drinks are always warm and I've bough countless of expired items from here. The employees here are somewhat polite but they never tell you the price of what you buy.

  • Joshua Wright

    Joshua Wright


    Good prices and foox, though thee sraff jump to conclusions really quick, i got accused of stealing a brownie when it was just my wallet in my pocket.

  • en

    buckles bucks


    They rock

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