Tresses & Colours en East Islip

Estados UnidosTresses & Colours



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197, Carleton Avenue, 11730, East Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-581-9369
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7401787, Longitude: -73.1920946

comentarios 5

  • Debra Lowery

    Debra Lowery


    Wonderful salon; one of THE best!!

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    Maria Lazarakis


    I'm a loyal customer and always will be. I've been going to Tresses & Colours for almost 16 years and love my hair everytime.

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    Michelle H


    Been to this Salon several times...started bringing my sister and now I will bring my mom. Get my hair highlighted and cut, great service, fair price.

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    Nicola Matzner


    Best hair salon! The owner and workers are professional, nice, and talented! I will always keep coming back.

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    Sandra Afonso


    I've been going to Tresses and Colours for a very long time. I walk out with a smile on my face every time. The stylists all know what they're doing especially the owner who has been in business for over 20 years. It's a shame that there is defamation of character in some of the reviews. ALL stylists and assistants are licensed and certified in everything they do. All licenses and certifications are on the wall of the salon making them highly visible. The Brazilian blowout is my absolute favorite treatment and the results just get better and better. It's absurd that people who are not certified nor licensed try to say the treatement was done incorrectly. Just because you read things online does not mean the girls do the treatement incorrectly. Being under the dryer makes it safe for the recipients as well as everyone else in the salon. It's a way of reducing the fumes and this does not change the outcome of the treatment. I can honestly say I have never been disappointed with the outcome and i will only allow the girls from Tresses & Colours to touch my hair. I also highly recommend the products for the home care of the Brazilian blow out. For ONLY $55 you get shampoo and conditioner that will last you about 60 washes as well as styling cream and thermal shine spray. It's a great deal that keeps my treatment in for the maximum amount of time. I will always be grateful I came across this beautiful salon as well as the polite people inside who always take my concerns into matter. i highly recommend !!!

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