Travel Experts i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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320, South Tryon Street, 28202, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-372-0555
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Latitude: 35.22533, Longitude: -80.8461559

kommentar 3

  • en

    Hal Shute


    I walked in to start a dialogue about a vacation with my wife and gave my information. Then followed up via email with the same information plus more. They responded and said they would give me some ideas. A week went by. I emailed again. Apologies were given and excuses made. Another week goes by. I emailed one more time. They said it would be this week. 3 weeks later still no response. Don’t waste your time here. Contacted another travel agent that was recommended by a friend. We had something booked in a week and it wasn’t where I thought we would go.

  • Joe Davis

    Joe Davis


    Martha and Cookie are very informed world travelers so listen to their advice. They will bend over backwards to help you. Just remember if you book on line make sure you have a travel agent they are your lifeline if something goes wrong. They are also a member of Virtuoso, which is the best agents in the world.

  • Andrew Martin

    Andrew Martin


    Staff were fantastic, Martha was very quick at putting together an itinerary at a reasonable cost, but business screams red flags everywhere. They will only do cash transactions. Their website looks like it was built by someone who has no prior experience with the internet. They couldn't provide a business license number or registration when I asked, and they weren't willing to accept a guaranteed check or bank transfer. I didn't think it was worth risking losing over a thousand dollars and chose to go elsewhere instead.

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