Trapp and Company i Kansas City

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Forenede StaterTrapp and Company



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4110, Main Street, 64111, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-931-6940
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Latitude: 39.051289, Longitude: -94.586792

kommentar 5

  • Christie Meller

    Christie Meller


    Their floral work is gorgeous, their store had so many wonderful finds and the staff is so friendly!! I happened upon them for flowers by chance and by even greater chance had to pop in to pick up the flowers due to a change in circumstances. Had no idea that they were such more than just a florist!!

  • Lexie Roberts

    Lexie Roberts


    Nana ordered a special basket from Stephen and it was the most unusual and wonderful gift. They delivered it to me at Children's Mercy all my nurses said they see a lot of deliveries but this had them all clucking. It had the most unique bouquet of flowers we have ever seen. He personalized the basket with my faves..Skittles and Starbursts. Then included Luxury spa items and a room deodorizer that eliminated the hospital smells. I cant wait to get home and pamper myself! My mom said forget the rest..Trapp's is where she will be ordering in the future. Thank you Nana, Stephen and Carrie.

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    Susan Carlson


    Can't say enough good things about Trapp and Company. They did the flowers for our 50th Anniversary celebration at The American on June 24. The combination of orange roses, yellow and white orchids and white hydrangea were fabulous and we received so many compliments on them. We were happy to be able to send the table arrangements home with a dozen people.

  • Heather McCormick

    Heather McCormick


    Amazing customer service over the phone and follow through. You made my sister so happy with the gorgeous arrangement! Simply the best. Thank you for the great work!

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    Hattie Kennedy


    Very disappointed by a recent custom order that I had placed for my daughter's engagement party. I was quoted $150.00 for a centerpiece that I asked to be an "engagement ring". I thought the quote was reasonable for the quality of this establishment and was expecting a very professional look! I had discussed with the designer to cover a foam florist ring with magnolia or lemon leaves and spray paint them silver for the "ring" and to top it off with white roses and surround them with small white spider mums to replicate my daughter's ring. I asked for it to be setting in a bed of greenery and flowers that would be within the price range. She said they might need to go over in the price a bit which was acceptable to me. I called the designer midweek to ask if she had any questions and she indicated she had a good idea of the design and never mentioned using cardboard, moss or foam core. The day of the event I was called and asked if I could pick up the centerpiece later in the day from the agreed 3:00 p.m. time because they had been very busy since it was a Saturday. I agreed to pick up the centerpiece right before they closed at 5:00 which was right before my party was to begin. When I arrived I was handed a 3 foot long styrofoam rectangle covered in moss with glitter ribbon surrounding it. Atop the mossy foam covered piece was a cardboard ring that was spray painted with glitter silver paint. The flowers were glued onto cardboard cutouts to represent the diamonds of the ring. I was terribly disappointed as I was expecting a "floral centerpiece". All I could see was cardboard! I was told they would only charge me 1/2 price ($75.00) since I was so disappointed, which I am still not happy about. There was nothing I could do since they were about to close and the party was about to begin! As they handed me the piece to carry out of the store, my hand was almost cut by the sharp brads that were sticking out of the underneath side of the piece anchoring "the ring". I went back inside to explain the sharp metal would cut the seat of my car and would not be acceptable to place on the dining table for fear of scratching the wood of the table. They promptly took the piece, turned it over and cut off the sharp bottom edges and sent me on my way placing some tissue on the seat of my car. Very disappointed and embarrassed to put the piece on the center of the table sat the mossy foam core covered board with the cardboard ring. There were some scattered white spider mums sitting atop the moss that were stuck into the foam core and looked whimsical, but not one person commented or said what a beautiful centerpiece. Some curious guests asked if I had made it, knowing that I had some floral design experience, and I was happy to say "no way" and that I had contracted a professional florist and this is what I got! Definitely not worth the $150 I was quoted, and not happy that I was actually charged $75 plus tax.

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