Trader Joe's w Oceanside

Stany ZjednoczoneTrader Joe's



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3418, Long Beach Road, 11572, Oceanside, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-536-9163
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.626837, Longitude: -73.641114

komentarze 5

  • Maryann B

    Maryann B


    Love the Oceanside one! Always find what I need! If not the staff is willing to help!

  • Betty Popp

    Betty Popp


    Everyone here is very helpful and fun to talk to, especially Ray. He's really so knowledgeable about the products and gives great service. Tom is also a very helpful manager and assisted me with an issue expediantly and with a warm professionalism. I love shopping here.

  • Jen Lanter

    Jen Lanter


    Amazing staff, nice selection of continuous and seasonal products. The parking lot can get very full so sometimes care and patience is necessary. It isn't the biggest Trader Joe's, but it is warm and homey.

  • Revs Roth

    Revs Roth


    An interesting little grocery store to get something different in, I head here for the unusually large selection of goat cheese and pure Kona coffee. Though there coffee selection in general has been great, lots of fair trade and slightly more exotic coffees. The fruit and vegetables are very competitively priced if not cheaper and what I find really sets the place apart is the selection of frozen side dishes. They always have something easy to add to a meal to add real variety. Can't do all my shopping here but what is done makes meals that are more varied and great coffee.

  • Leeta Gato

    Leeta Gato


    This is my go to place for all my pantry staples. Inexpensive organic pantry items. I love the cheese selection. One of the places I can easily find gluten free food choices for my partner. It’s kind of cool how some of breads are displayed on a shelf unit that has drawers that slide out/open. The produce section has a smoothie bar in the corner. Checking out, even on busy weekend & holidays is pretty fast. Staff is friendly, polite, and attentive. Free parking lot. They take credit cards and debit cards.

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