Trader Joe's i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterTrader Joe's



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1101, 25th Street Northwest, 20037, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-296-1921
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9040864, Longitude: -77.0530046

kommentar 5

  • Olga Barkaleva

    Olga Barkaleva


    Love them. Best quality of flowers in nearest shops. I bought chamomiles two weeks ago and they are still fresh.

  • Sridevi B

    Sridevi B


    This is my neighborhood trader Joe's and I love it. Being in a prime area they tend to run out fast but they restock in a day or 2 most times. The staff here is always friendly and they are ready to help with anything you need. Now that's what is called a great service and no wonder ppl who come here are regulars and the lines always run long.

  • Haris Jaliawala

    Haris Jaliawala


    They have a great selection of products and great gourmet sections. There's always something new that they're sampling and I read somewhere that you're allowed to try anything in the store, you just have to tell them first. Also their service is amazing!! Really efficient

  • Douglas Menezes

    Douglas Menezes


    Excellent grocery store. They carry a lot of unique stuff that other grocery stores do not carry. Quality of their products is very good. They have a good selection of wines as well. Their pizza dough is particularly very nice and we've got it on several occasions to make pizza at home. They offer good tasting most of the time so be sure to check it out.

  • Bernie Kramer

    Bernie Kramer


    This Trader Joe's is a wonderful place to shop. They keep fresh fruits and vegetables stocked pretty well, and have a great selection of pretty much whatever you need. The staff here is extremely helpful, and always a pleasure to deal with. Also, they typically have free samples of one of the products that you can taste. The one thing that is sometimes annoying about this shop is that it can get pretty crowded at high volume times, but even then the staff does a good job of keeping the line moving.

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