Total Concept Auto Repair Inc i New York

Forenede StaterTotal Concept Auto Repair Inc



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626, New Dorp Lane, 10306, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-667-1582
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Latitude: 40.5668783, Longitude: -74.1028586

kommentar 4

  • Veton Hoxha

    Veton Hoxha


    Do not ever go there!!! Complete scams. The guy charged me for an engine replacement and didn't even change the engine. When I confronted him, he claimed that he sold the old engine to the junkyard, after I verified with Ford with the engine serial number then he tells me that he changed everything in the engine except the body. Complete lie. If I could I would give them negative stars not one. Oh another thing, he told me that the transmission is a sealed unit and can't be rebuild, and only option is replacing, turns out that it's not a sealed unit. Did I mention that my motor is now leaking after charging me $1500for the work that he did?

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    philip gavin


    I have been using this establishment since the opening. I have dealt with only honesty and trust at all times.

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    I have had nothing but good experiences with this auto repair shop. I feel the owner is highly honest and had only made repairs that I needed.

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    Joe Lowe


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