Torchy's Tacos w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneTorchy's Tacos



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1085, North Broadway, 80203, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-436-1704
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 39.7334895, Longitude: -104.9878221

komentarze 5

  • SolerTuned



    The tacos we had were very good! The atmosphere was nice. The only reason I am giving it 4 stars is their rule of no vertical ID's for alcohol. I am from out of town and my ID doesn't expire for 5 years... Even with a second form of ID, they still refused service. Oh well. Still was good.

  • Greg Doser

    Greg Doser


    This place is great. Quality and a cool atmosphere. The breakfast tacos and the avocado taco are the best I’ve ever had. Yes it’s crowded at times and there may be a wait but that’s because of how good and popular it is.

  • en

    Nathaniel Moore


    I hate places that have you stand in line, give you a number, rarely clean the tables and ask you for a tip at the check out line. They should take that off the receipt. Otherwise tacos are pretty average. Prices are reasonable. Parking is excellent. Chips and salsa are good and good sizes. Looks like good bar. Good tvs. Music not too loud.

  • en

    Neo Lucas


    Torchy's is great, they have really delicious and creative tacos for both breakfast and dinner. The line can be long and a pain at some times but the wait for the tacos is self is so fast. It's perfect if you don't want "fast food" but you want something kinda fast. It also has a bar I never checked out, so I don't really got a idea what there but it seems like a full bar. Torchy's closes kinda early but it's a great place to start your wild night.

  • Josh Rasmussen

    Josh Rasmussen


    Went to school in Austin, Texas. These are all over the place down there. They're usually situated as little hole-in-the-wall joints with little seating. In Denver, however, this is the only one and around lunch, the line runs out the door and for good reason. The food is great, the menu varied, the prices reasonable and there is a decent amount of indoor (and outdoor) seating. There is also a bar adjacent to the main dining area with a few TV's visible to everyone. Sports are usually on. The breakfast tacos are popular. Breakfast tacos in general aren't my thing, but in Austin, at least, people won't shut up about them so they must be good. There is also a location in Westminster.

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