Tony Conte Formal Wear en Hawthorne

Estados UnidosTony Conte Formal Wear



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392, Lafayette Avenue, 07506, Hawthorne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 973-427-9454
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.951444, Longitude: -74.1557068

comentarios 5

  • Michelle Lala

    Michelle Lala


    Terrible business. Would not allow a second appointment and put pressure on us the entire time. Awful experience.

  • Seba Santos

    Seba Santos


    I made a call to make some questions about a tailoring job and the person at the phone was really rude and hanged up on me. if this is how you treat customers might as well go out of business. DISGUSTING!!!!!!!! I DO NOT recommend......

  • Ibraheem Aljayeh

    Ibraheem Aljayeh


    They do a good job on your first order then they start seriously slacking. Had to go back to them several times to have them fix their own mistakes, not the greatest place in my opinion.

  • en

    Susan Giarrusso


    I bought a dress for my son's wedding here. I worked with Angela. What a great lady! She selected a dress I never dreamed I could wear. She knows her business and does a beautiful job with alterations. I received compliments on my dress all night. In fact, I still have people that bring up the fact my dress was beautiful. Angela took care of me like a family member. There are no words to express how appreciative I am for working with her. Her dresses are classy and beautiful. Very professional. Check this place out - it's well worth it.




    Im coming back here! Great service, prices and selection of dresses and tuxedos. The little guy behind the counter was really sweet and helpful. If i could give them extra stars i would!

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