Tom's Mid Island Auto i Middle Island

Forenede StaterTom's Mid Island Auto



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58, Middle Country Road, 11953, Middle Island, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-732-1565
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8734546, Longitude: -72.9733948

kommentar 5

  • Pokemon With plushies and games,tutorials

    Pokemon With plushies and games,tutorials


    It don’t even deserve the one star but i couldn’t post with no stars .. the gps brings you around in circles .. there is NO way to find this place. Horrible !

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    Brent Losch


    A person that I 've trusted for years.any auto repair he's great and doesn't over change. Great mechanic

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    Nina Nelson


    i went to get a new starter for my 09 honda civic ex and it cost me over $400 and supposedly the part was only $225 according to them so i paid $175 for them to put it in?!? i think that was a lil ridiculous tbh

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    Pete Scaglione


    I needed some work on my car which would have prevented it from passing NYS inspection. I am just not in a position right now where I can afford it.They told me not to worry, they would hook us up. After 3 days, all they did was screw up my windows!!! I got what I deserved. They are nothing but liars, especially the sister who runs block for the rest of that crew. Stay FAR away from this outfit.

  • Colby-631



    Great local mechanic. Very easy to talk with .... extremely knowledgeable..... wish I could give them 10 stars

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