Titan Foods en New York

Estados UnidosTitan Foods



🕗 horarios

2556, 31st Street, 11102, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-626-7771
sitio web: www.titanfoods.net
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7692074, Longitude: -73.9194611

comentarios 5

  • Christe Sanis

    Christe Sanis


    Great Greek supermarket. Great selection of olives, cheeses olive oil and other Greek products. I love there spinach pies and sweets. Also they sell pepared Greek food - large portions and reasonable prices.

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    Lazaros Samlidis


    This place has everything Greek. If you haven't been here in a while you'll be surprised. They now have hot Greek food for take out and as a Greek it's pretty good. They have a Greek pita bar with different spinach pies and a great selection of phyllo dough individual serving pies. They have a pastry department, a deli and anything you can imagine Imported from Greece. Free parking right outside. The service is usually very nice.

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    Alex Meskouris


    very good service friendly staff. one of the best selections of herbs spices cheeses olive oils mainly from Greece. If God is not Greek then why is the sky blue and white lol good Greek icon selection.

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    Tiffany Ann


    my favorite place to shop in Astoria! They have all the traditional Greek foods! the bakery items are always fresh and delicious! You can always find some specialty items straight from Greece!

  • Angel Emerald

    Angel Emerald


    Great Greek food. Prepared food has a nice selection of Greek specialties. Nice selection of Greek groceries. An excellent bakery and a great coffee bar. Also a varied selection of Feta cheeses and olives. An awesome place.

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