Tiny Kitchen Treats w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneTiny Kitchen Treats



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1413, Bedford Avenue, 11216, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-576-2454
strona internetowej: www.tinykitchentreats.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6748526, Longitude: -73.9533514

komentarze 5

  • Anna Covatta

    Anna Covatta


    The cookies I had made as favors for a special event were beautiful! Marisol worked with our tight deadline to create something very unique, and the cookies were delicious to boot!

  • Kate Bentsen

    Kate Bentsen


    AMAZING EXPERIENCE! 10/10 Recommend to anyone and everyone. A snippet from an email I wrote to Marisol, the owner of TKT: 1. You were so generous to take such a rush order from us (I am still in shock with the turnaround time!) 2. The cookies were exactly what I was looking for. You went above and beyond and after stalking your instagram more, I am now such a fan !! 3. Your kindness and attitude throughout the whole process made my life SO much easier. I really cannot thank you enough. Love love love loved the final product, and the timing of the delivery was perfect as well. I will definitely be reaching out to you for more custom orders for work / client meetings etc.

  • en

    Laura M.


    Tiny Kitchen Treats make THE best hostess gift. Every time I order, I am blown away by Marisol's creativity. She truly goes above and beyond with each design to tailor it to the event. Not to mention, the cookies are absolutely delicious - even yummier than they are cute, which is a rare combination! I really can't say enough good things about this gem of a shop. Highly recommend.

  • Andrew Lerner

    Andrew Lerner


    We’ve ordered TKT cookies for our child’s last two birthday parties and other occasions and the cookies are always a smash hit! The cookies are adorable (and delicious!) and a huge conversation piece for both the kids and the adults. My 5 year old has already requested “Marisol cookies” for his next birthday party. Can’t wait to see the next batch!

  • en

    Akriti Kumar


    Marisol and her team are absolutely amazing! I asked for a cookie cake to be made for Super Bowl Sunday pretty last minute (a few days before) and she was more than willing to help! More importantly, she understood the importance of this cake for me given my love for The Eagles. I gave her an idea of the decoration I wanted and she truly exceeded my expectations! I could tell she wanted to make it extra special for me and that care and attention to detail is unmatched elsewhere. Moreover, when she knew I wouldn’t be able to pick it up from the main location, she went out of her way to help me pick it up at a more convenient location. I can’t say enough nice things and would recommend Tiny Kitchen Treats to anyone looking for a delicious treat!

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