Tilun Chan DDS w Englewood

Stany ZjednoczoneTilun Chan DDS



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300, Grand Avenue, 07631, Englewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-569-5003
strona internetowej: www.tilundental.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8835673, Longitude: -73.9781172

komentarze 5

  • Rebecca Santin

    Rebecca Santin


    I'm a first time patient that had a dental emergency this morning, I was very pleased that the phone was picked up before 8am, and luckily I was able to take a morning cancellation. I'm so grateful for the kind and caring staff, especially Dr. Chan for taking the time to work on my mouth, and explain my situation so professionally.

  • Allison Kopec

    Allison Kopec


    I saw a 1 star review, how is that possible? Upon reading that review I realized this may be some sort of scam. Without any helpful explanation with 1 star is extremely disturbing to me, I am in shock that google allowed this. Like most people I only feel compelled, for the most part, to write reviews for either extremely bad or absurdly phenomenal experiences. Fortunately our experience with Dr. Chan falls into the latter category. Honestly, one of the best dentist in Northern Jersey! She is a gentle dentist, my kids love her! She is always punctual and highly knowledgeable in her field. There are no unnecessary procedures being recommended and the care we receive is superb and pretty affordable as far as dentistry goes. I know that I can refer my friends to her with confidence knowing that she will provide the same level of passion, enthusiasm and work ethic. Her office itself and staff are all top notch, very polite and neatly maintained. We are so lucky to have Dr. Chan as our dentist!

  • en

    ricky alvey


    Went for my first visit today & very satisfied!!! Dr Chan sits and explains everything to you step by step and its very thorough. Excellent!!!

  • Will Lee

    Will Lee


    A great dentist, period. Not just professional but careful, even meticulous, taking all the time any procedure requires to achieve not just functionality but excellence. Willing to engage in dialogue and explain options to reach the best solution for the issue in hand, and my teeth have had plenty of issues to discuss, all of them dating back to long before I found Dr. Chan and some of them due to previous dentists, none of them bad, but none of them as good as Dr. Chan. Completely up to date in methods of treatment. Refers to other dentists for some procedures if the result would be better for the patient. I recommend her wholeheartedly to anyone.

  • en

    Chiew Kwei Kaw


    Dr. Chan is beyond incredible!!! I'm so thankful and grateful for knowing such a skillful and kind dentist. First of all, Dr. Chan is always willing to make herself available for her patients and extremely responsive to patients' need. Imagine if you have an emergency (that's my recent encounter) and she could be your life savor! Secondly, She is very patience, gentle and experienced. Lying down on a dental chair is fearful and stressful as many of us know, but Dr. Chan is well capable of turning the atmosphere around and her friendly smile and constant interactions with me during her service somehow able to build confidence in me and making me feel so much better! Moreover, she is so accommodating and willing to weight in my personal concerns (treatment cost, pain management, insurance etc.) during treatment proves that Dr. Chan not just an outstanding professional but, above all, an incredible person!

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