Tiger Garage Doors en Pleasantville

Estados UnidosTiger Garage Doors


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99, Castleton Street, 10570, Pleasantville, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-825-4911
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.127949, Longitude: -73.789336

comentarios 5

  • Marie Reid

    Marie Reid


    Our technician, Mike, was incredibly professional, knowledgeable and personable.He called when he was on his way, which turned out to be earlier than scheduled. He assessed our repair and gave us a complete explanation of the cost and time for the repair, which was incredibly reasonable. He couldn't have been nicer or more professional. We will absolutely call Tiger Garage Doors for any service in the future

  • Jeremy Chavez

    Jeremy Chavez


    These guys were great, honest and professional.They showed up on time, then took their time to make sure the door was working properly. Replaced springs, cables, and seal all for a better price and warranty. If you need work on your garage door, trust Tiger Garage Doors.

  • Helen Black

    Helen Black


    Tiger Garage Doors company sent Mike their service technician who was professional and knowledgeable. He explained my options and helped me made an informed decision.He also kept me informed during the whole servicing period.He was quick and sure with what he was doing. I would recommend him and Tiger Garage Doors to anyone that is looking for a reliable garage door company.

  • Christina Cox

    Christina Cox


    I picked Tiger Garage Doors out of the three other companies and it was a great choice. Mike was here promptly within hours of my call and not only fixed our garage opener problem but also explained some of the problems that needed our attention. The charge was much less than I expected with each charge amount clearly detailed. I highly recommend them for any garage door problem.

  • Julie Mendoza

    Julie Mendoza


    We had a Spring break on our garage door last weekend (on Sunday) and most of the service guys we contacted were not able to come out the same day except Tiger Garage Doors.Mike arrived promptly and provided an excellent service. His answers to my questions were very Informative and precise.I will recommend you to all my friends and relatives for such Excellent and Prompt Service.

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